Community Resources

Listed below there is a list containing some of the resources available for assistance in the Austin, TX area. For more resource options, be sure to check out the Texas Office of Acquired Brain Injury (OABI).

Things that have helped our members

Create a medical binder to keep track of your medical history, medications, tests, and appointments

Request your medical records

Find your case manager or apply for help from the Patient Advocate Foundation

Helpful Apps

Tish’s favorite: Finch App

Jess’s favorite: GoblinTools

Insight Timer Meditation App

Balance Meditation App

Guiding reading strips

Task bracelets to remember what task we were doing

Dietary recommendations that have helped some

Ice wrap for headaches

Magnesium Glycinate for sleep

Suzanne’s favorite Medical ID Cards

Earplugs that our community loves

If you would like to help our community, consider making a tax-deductible donation:

By Our Members

Duane’s book:

Bob Saget Saved My Life: a TBI Story

BG’s Story Share

Austin Area Recreation

Some members of our community recommend the following:

Alamo Recreation Center
2100 Alamo St.
Austin, TX 78722

Dottie Jordan Recreation Center
2803 Loyola Ln
Austin, TX 78723

Mcbeth Recreation Center (near Zilker Park)
2401-A Columbus Dr
Austin, 78746

The City of Austin also offers Therapeutic Recreation Services. Read more about it here

Finding Help

Finding a doctor that takes your health insurance

Austin psychologist many of our members recommend

Psychologists specializing in individuals with brain injuries

Psychiatrists specializing in individuals with brain injuries

DBT Workbook


Austin Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities
A volunteer advisory committee to the Austin City Council and City Manager, regarding any issues or concerns affecting persons with disabilities.  It was established to enable persons with disabilities to participate in the full social and economic life of the city, achieve independence, become gainfully employed, and access all public and private facilities.

Texas Civil Rights Project

Attorneys who specialize in discrimination law and other ADA related issues.

Disability Rights Texas
Formerly named Advocacy, Inc., this agency provides services that include specific case investigation, mediation, negotiation, and legal counsel and representation. This agency also offers training for people with disabilities on their individual rights, how to self advocate, and accessing services from state agencies.

Brain Injury Support Groups

Brain Injury Association of Austin
Support Group Meetings on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays of each month

St. David’s Rehabilitation Hospital
Support group meets every 3rd Monday of the month from 2-3pm at St. David’s Rehabilitation Hospital 3rd floor gym at 1005 E. 32nd Street

Rehabilitation Services

Baylor Day Neuro Program

Centre for Neuro Skills


Mary Lee Foundation Rehabilitation Center


Normlife of Texas
Contact Moses Resendez at 512-644-6086 or

Rehab Without Walls

St. David’s Rehabilitation Hospital
Lisa Hyde ( 512-544-0408

Texas NeuroRehab Center
800-252-5151 or 512-444-4835

The University of St. Augustine
Contact Nicole Capell ( for pro bono PT, OT, and Speech Therapy for any Texas resident

Brain Injury Resources (Specialized)

ImproveAbility (assistive technology):    512-522-1705

Small Victories Foundation (healing through art):  512-799-5609 (Derrick Wright)

Love Your Brain (yoga & mindfulness):  512-380-9800

BrainHQ (online brain training)

Hope After brain injury:   817-983-1807 (Deana Adams, Ph.D.)  

A faith based organization that offers online and personal support for brain injury survivors and their families.

Hope TBI:

How to Help Someone Who Has a Brain Injury (Mayo Clinic)

National Council on Aging (NCOA)’s Resources for Cognitive Health 

More Than Survivors:  512-444-1141 (Phyllis King)  

MTS is a monthly Christian support letter for the brain injury community.  The monthly publication allows others to share notes, letters, articles, artwork, and poetry with the brain injury community.  One can also request a Pen Pal.

Office of Acquired Brain Injury (HHSC):

The Office of Acquired Brain Injury (OABI) 512-706-7191 is Texas’ premier resource for providing education, awareness, prevention, and service referral and coordination in regard to brain injury.  The office has a wide array of materials available to help to understand brain injury, raise awareness, and to find the resources you need.

Texas Brain Injury Alliance:  512-910-7108

Formerly the Brain Injury Association of Texas, this organization provides statewide resource information, holds conferences, and advocates for public policy for the benefit of survivors of brain injury, their families, and caregivers.

Texas Pilot District

Pilot International adopted brain-related disorders as its service focus. BrainMinders and traumatic brain injury camps are the signature projects for their organization with  the support of 43 Chapters in Texas. Pilot supports three weekend camps and one day camp for adult traumatic brain injury survivors. Texas Pilot has created the TBI Camp Foundation to help support these camps.

Unalome Lotus

Online chair yoga class for stroke survivors and seniors with limited mobility. These classes are taught completely online in an effort to help make more resources available for individuals who may not have the option or ability to leave their homes easily.

Yoga has been shown to have a number of positive benefits for stroke survivors and caregivers such as decreasing anxiety and depressive symptoms, increasing mobility and endurance, and building neuroplasticity in the brain. Survivors who have a consistent yoga practice have also reported an increase in quality of life.

General Resources

AGE – Austin Group for the Elderly:   512-451-4611

A nonprofit agency that empowers caregivers and their families through education and support. The mission is accomplished through their programs below. Address: 3710 Cedar Street, Box 2, Austin TX 78705.  Program offers an Adult Day Care, a Computer Learning Center , an equipment lending program and caregiver Resource Center.

Austin Resource Center for Independent Living (ARCIL):   512-832-6349

Provides assistance to adults and children with disabilities to achieve independent living goals.  Provides information and referrals for housing, education, attendant services, and assistance in completing Social Security forms and appeal process if denied.

Austin Somatics:  512-348-6014       email:

Somatic movement therapy retrains the nervous system to improve coordinated movement, balance and pain reduction.

Austin Trouble Shooter

Brain Injury Association of America:   1-800-444-6443

Provides nationwide resource information, holds national conferences and educational seminars, and advocates for congressional public policy change.

Brain Injury Association of America:   1-800-444-6443

Brain Injury Network of Dallas

Brain Injury Network has two clubhouse programs located in Plano and Fort Worth, Texas.

Plano (972)-769-2463
Fort Worth (682)-255-7373

Birth Injury Justice Center

Dedicated to supporting anyone who has been affected by birth injuries, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, and other developmental disabilities

Caregiving: A Family Guide

Obtain this 237 page paperback book by writing to: Gray Panthers of Austin, 3719 Cedar Street, Box 15, Austin TX 78705-1449 (a small donation to defray publication is not mandated, but graciously accepted)

Center for Music Therapy:  512-472-5016

Center is dedicated to making music therapy and other sensory-based interventions more accessible to consumers by providing traditional and non-traditional therapies, treatment services, programs, and classes in Austin.

SafePlace-Disability Services:   512-267-7233

ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program) provides education to people with disabilities to increase awareness about sexual abuse/assault, domestic violence and abuse by personal care providers, personal safety planning, healthy relationships, and sexuality. Presentations and training are also available to professionals and families.

Counseling Services are available for individuals with disabilities who have experienced sexual or domestic violence or abuse by a partner, spouse, family member, or personal care provider.  Counseling is designed to promote healing, reduce the risk of future abuse, and information and resources for exploring safety options.

Government Resources

Austin Services

A list of pertinent and helpful information regarding each City Department in Austin.   

Texas Workforce Solutions (TWS)

TWS (by Texas Workforce Commission) has programs that help people with disabilities secure employment.

State Office:   800-628-5115

Austin Regional Office:  512-451-9579

Other Resources

Birth Injury Center:          (contact form)

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Student Online College Guide

Assisted Living Resources

Sports and Concussion Guide

Alcohol & Cancer

Empower yourself with vital information on the link between alcohol addiction and cancer by reading an informative blog. Our expert writers delve into the effects of alcohol consumption on cancer risk and provide practical tips and resources for those seeking help. By raising awareness about this important topic, we hope to inspire positive change and promote a healthier future for all.

Cerebral Palsy Guide

Mesothelioma Center:      (877) 325-1360

Mesothelioma Hope:        (855) 242-6492

Mesothelioma Lawyer Center:

For over two decades, they have had the privilege of assisting families connect with prominent lawyers and physicians experienced in handling this disease. Dealing with mesothelioma and asbestos cases is a specialty of numerous law firms. However, it can be a daunting task to select the most suitable law firm for your family. Their services aim to eliminate this confusion and connect patients with the best and most qualified care in their proximity.​​​​​​​